Final Friday in Afghanistan. One last Jummah. One last trip to the bazaar. Last truly Afghan blog entry. My bags are packed, boxes have been shipped. How appropriate, my final Jummah is a Jummah the 13th? Such as life.
I finished a book Thursday that was a great way to follow Because They Hate. Titled Revolution! A New Plan for Selecting Representatives, the book outlines a plan to replace all 435 members of the House of Representatives. Originally written to execute the plan in the 2008 elections, GOOOH (Get Out Of Our House-go to to check it out and read more) has now shifted to the 2010 election. GOOOH is not a political party, it is a concept that serves to change the way we select those that supposedly represent us in Washington. Sure, the founder, Tim Cox of Texas, wishes that all those chosen and elected would share his views, but he is confident that if chosen by his plan, the people elected will represent the people of their districts. How many of you feel truly represented by the fat cat lawyers and millionaires that make up our elected bodies today? Are they making decisions based on what is best for you, the American TAX PAYER, or what is best for their re-election campaigns? People, hell, entire families have made their entire living “serving” the tax payers. We keep re-electing and electing the same ole politicians year after year, yet we have nothing but failing government programs and ill-advised government takeovers to show for it. Mr. Cox’s plan is not the cure-all, but it is a step in the right direction. How can we expect the same ole crowd to make revolutionary decisions to reverse the current course of our country? Our country was founded on principles held by hardworking farmers, businessmen, and military leaders…everyday Americans, and that is who must stand up and be counted. I find it personally promising that some of Mr. Cox’s main points address the issues that Mrs. Gabriel says we must address in order to stabilize our country and our way of life in the face of Islamic extremism.
As far as those of you who think that a course reversal is a bit much, consider some points and statistics:
Our reliance on foreign oil controlled by radical Islamic states is out of control.
We must take action in regards to our environment—the environment is not political, but every time a politician starts talking about it, half of the population automatically closes their ears because the person talking is from the other party—we have to come together and take action.
In 1936 (Great Depression), about 1% of the population was on welfare, in 1994 15% were soaking up your hard earned dollars—needs fixing.
The top 52% of earners pay 100% of the taxes—not fair.
Some Americans fork over close to 50% of their earnings to Uncle Sam, while the drug dealers, bookies, and black market folks don’t pay a dime in income taxes. A consumption tax would alleviate that problem and do away with the IRS (GOOD THING) See
At the time of printing, the top 10% of earners pay over 60% of taxes. Distributing our growing national debt equally among us 10% folks, we each are down $672,000…but no one is slowing down the spending machine that is our Federal Government.
The U.S. Government pays 50% more on healthcare per person than the next most expensive country (Switzerland)—we aren’t even trying to give healthcare to everyone, yet. The World Health Organization ranks us 37th in the world for overall healthcare systems
Department of Education has spent nearly $1 trillion since its inception ($71 billion budget), yet high school graduation rates across the country have not budged in 28 years. In the city of Cleveland, a meager 28% of students graduated from high school (I personally believe that parental involvement, drugs, and teen pregnancy are chief to blame for poor graduation rates in some of our communities.)
Most Politicians and many public school teachers send their kids to private school—Hello, anybody home?
We spend an average of over $23,000 per prisoner in the Federal system, but the average welfare recipient gets less than $15,000—Now, I think welfare needs to be revamped completely, but it wouldn’t cost me or you a dime to switch these two numbers. Prisoners are guaranteed hot food, cable TV, and medical care…the food should be cold, the TV gone, and the medical care limited to tourniquets and rubbing alcohol.
Social Security—that gig is up. We have to stop the madness.
Legal Immigration is a great thing. It makes our country who we are. Illegal immigration is bringing us to our knees and killing us literally. Ponder this, reports(at time of printing) since 9/11, including 9/11 less than 7,000 Americans have died at the hands of terrorists including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and other attacks, 19,000 have died a violent death at the hands of illegal aliens, 20,000 due to uninsured illegals drunk behind the wheel, 13,000 victimized children at the hands of illegals…we have 250,000 illegal aliens that are known sex offenders in our country
Over 200 years ago, Thomas Jefferson said, “God forbid that we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.”
Samuel Adams said, “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men should possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”
Mark Twain said, “In the beginning of change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him…”
As a Federal Employee, I see the monster at work. I see inefficiencies that would blow your mind. The only thing we can do is report blatant fraud, waste, and abuse and elect officials that will demand more of themselves and hold accountable the spending machine programs. We have 51 weeks left until 2010 elections. Something has got to give.
The FT. HOOD terror attack, I wanted to touch on it, but not go into great detail… Had this been on a street corner or train, no questions asked, terrorist. But he was a military officer, so we cannot call it a terror attack, can we? Cut the crap. This same PC attitude is what kept people from speaking up about this lunatic Infidel-hater long ago. I am sure those people that could have spoken up are sick to their stomachs, I’d be. But, I know exactly why they didn’t say anything. Any harsh word or order to perform a less than desirable task in the military has to be handled with care, always aware of the possible Equal Opportunity complaint that could come my way. I see poor performers promoted regularly because people don't want to give them a bad evaluation because it will hurt their career...not keeping score at kids soccer games is the least of our concerns. Just wanted to let you know where these folks are coming from in their hesitation to report weird behavior by a Muslim in their ranks.
Thanks for the Vets Day emails. Pray for the families of the Ft Hood Terror Attack Victims. Pray for the full recovery of Dr. Hasan; I want him to get his day in court and experience being killed all over again.
God bless and Geaux Tigers.